Transistors: Plugging the leaks; Who’s next?

eguy thinks it’s time to end this effort, as he has shown his way of reading Economist / learning English, to the Chinese readers.

As is fitting, 該是忙別的事的時候了。eguy想說的,這裡(右方’Economist What?’/eguy)都看得到。有沒有人想接手?

eguy很感謝能從寫部落格中學到很多, it has shown. 看到AllthingsD (‘best blog‘)上,將經濟學人的文章放入’Voices from other web sites’,很有趣,這兩個出版品這樣連結,這個世界又變了一點點。雖然沒將整整3年寫完(中間還有4個月的空檔),可以了;eguy感謝學到很多, it will show.

Read The Economist!

All things D, indeed!


Riots in London: A city in flames

London in flames. Émeutes de 2005 dans les banlieues françaises 失業率在倫敦高居首位 Cameron’s Broken Windows After the Riots “who feel they have little or no stake in the country’s future or their own”

when young people were out of jobs, in France

London, 2011


Education in South Korea: Books overboard



A Nation of Learners



To incent or not to, it’s a question. From the Johnson blog.

谷歌有個很好玩的project (看使用字數的歷史; from one reader’s comment below the article).

William Shakespeare's favorite gadget


Achilles heel: Celebrity and the media

George Best 佐治·貝斯 …經濟學人說”the immortality of a footnote“.

exhume gory gore palatable duplicitous duplicity口是心非(翻得好!) Schadenfreude inebriated(drunk)



Internet businesses: Another digital gold rush

Noise Toys   Adility   Trazzler   Floodgate   SharesPost   SecondMarket

同學們,請加入 LinkedIn…”On May 9th LinkedIn, a social network for professionals that took in revenue of $243m last year, set the terms of its imminent initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which value it at up to $3.3 billion.”

once upon a time in SF


About The Economist; Blog Stats: 1,001 hits

A note on blog stats: 1,001 hits. Congratulations.

From About The Economist: “Established in 1843 to campaign on one of the great political issues of the day, The Economist remains, in the second half of its second century, true to the principles of its founder.” 2011-1843+1=169年。The Pursuit of Reason: The Economist 1843-1993.


The civil war: Finally passing

“The war’s ultimate legacy was not yet clear. But that battle is now over.”… It took 150 years to have gotten to this stage, and that’s why the UN video is supposed to be moving.

Let it be known

Also, see p.310 on Drucker’s note of Mordecai Johnson‘s words: “He (the American Negro) has been emancipated. The only question is how long it will be before the whites know it. The American Negro…was free the day one of them realized that a white man is just as dead if run over by a car driven by a nigger as by one driven by a white.” Drucker’s own conclusion: “The automobile gave mobility. But above all it gave power. It put the Negro sharecropper emotionally and spiritually into the driver’s seat.”


Newsbook: The Grey Lady builds a paywall: Sign of the Times

New York Times 網站月底(3/28)開始收費,免費文章最多20篇per月。今天(3/18)起加拿大地區全程試辦,來測試調整實施方式。A letter from the publisher Sulzberger.

這變動還真是”幅員廣泛(global online~)”。NYTimes的Global Edition(可由U.S. Edition網站左上角click)應仍免費;”Subscribers to The International Herald Tribune, which is The Times’s global edition, will also have free digital access.”

A recent item on NYTimes: 紐時的特別更正

The Grey Lady never sleeps.


Banyan: The wind that will not subside

eguy注意到”World” tab 才剛改成”World politics” at He changes this blog’s category (name) accordingly.

樹欲靜而風不止…”And the tree that wants to be still”

"Beijing consensus": rapid economic growth matters more than freedom (quoted from the article)
